Information for Volunteers

Volunteer Suggestions

Thank you for volunteering to gather and share information to help others learn the skills they will need for “the troubling season now fast approaching.” Here are some suggestions to help you prepare for the conference.


Please pray to know what the Lord would like you to study and share with everyone. This information may save lives someday, so it’s important that we teach these skills to each other, and that our information is correct.


As you read and study, or watch videos on your subject, gather the information, along with your own tips and tricks you’ve learned that can help others, and compile the information in a handout that can be shared with those who attend the conference. We also would like you to copy the video subject, the URL (or YouTube ID.) on any/all videos you feel would be helpful to us in regards to survival or living off the grid, and add them to the “Submit Videos” on the webpage. These are being saved on a private server where they will be available when we need this information in a future day.



You can choose the size of table you would like where you can display your information and handout with all the websites, videos, and tips you've collected.  The sizes of the available tables are:


* 4’ Circle tables (39)

* 2 1/2’ x 6’ Folding table (11)
* 2 1/2’ Square tables (can put 2 together) (36)
* 3’ Circle tables (34)
* 2’ Tall tables (people stand at) (13)


Be creative and make your display interesting. You can use a Science Fair Display board, Poster board, or whatever as a backdrop if you have pictures or diagrams etc.

There can be more than one display on the same subject because everyone will have different information or ideas on their subject.

You don’t need to be at your table the whole time, but if you aren’t going to be there, it would be important to post a time that you will be there to answer questions.

Once you know the topic of your display, please go HERE and give us your info & the size of display table you would prefer.


Gathering information, videos, websites, and personal experience on your particular subject is going to be very valuable; so we’re asking you to collect it and put it on a handout that people can access.

Because we don’t know how many people will be attending, and the cost of printing hundreds of handouts can be very expensive, we’ve come up with a solution:

1)  Make a few copies of your handout.

2)  Put one on your poster or display, and have a couple available at your display for people to see (laminated is a good idea).

3)  Email a copy to: , along with your name & phone number, the name of your display, & in the email subject include the words "WEBSITE PAGE", and we can put a page up on the standindependent website for people to access from home.  We will give you a QR code to put on your display and/or handout so everyone can pull up your information to read or print at home.

We will need a copy of your handout by Sept 1st, so we have time to give it a QR code and have it on the website before the conference.



Make your presentations Fun, Exciting, Motivating, and Short!!! The idea is to give them enough information to excite and interest them into learning more. There is not enough time to cover every subject in full, so please tweak your presentations to only share those things that you feel will motivate them to want to learn more. Make it short, sweet, and fun!!


There will be a screen where we can project a powerpoint presentation, a slideshow, or a video. If you want to use any kind of technology, please contact Shalyce Woodard (801-645-1948) to help plan for your presentation.  We would like you to be able to present whatever information you are able to share, and would be happy to help make it possible.


Those doing presentations should also reserve a table to display your information & handout on; because those, at the conference, wanting more information or have questions about your subject, can meet with you later at your display.