Around fourteen families in the movement already have, or have recently acquired, home freeze dryer machines. Freeze drying is a preferred method for preserving food supplies. Freeze dried foods retain virtually 100 percent of pre-processed flavor. Nutritional value is retained at 90 plus percent. Because upward of 75 percent of water content is removed in freeze drying process, the final product is extremely light and easily mobile. Shelf-life of freeze dried foods can extend up to twenty five years depending on the product.

Harvest-Right-Home-Freeze-Dryer.png (1000×1000)

If feasible, families might consider at least a portion of overall food storage supplies to be made up of freeze dried foods. Freeze dried meats, vegetables, fruits, soups, gravies, desserts, and other flavorful freeze dried prepared foods can provide delicious tasting additions to be used with larger filling portions of bulk food items like rice, beans, potatoes, pastas etc. Culinary experience even in times of want need not be bland drudgery.

Freeze dried foods are somewhat more expensive but may be well worth the extra cost for nutritional value, taste, and longevity of storage ability and light weight for easier mobility.

We have provided many sources on this web site to help you assess and determine what may be right for your family when it comes to freeze drying or purchasing already prepared freeze dried supplies. There are experts within the movement we can make available to answer questions and provide further information.

Steve Van Leer

Resource List


To purchase prepared freeze dried food supplies:

To purchase a freeze drier machine for your family or fellowship:

Harvest Right:

Social Media Groups:

Retired at 40: You can find him on both FB and on Youtube.

Betty’s Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Group: